Help for Gambling Problems
Gambling is any activity in which people stake something of value (usually money) for a chance to win something else of value. This may include activities such as lotteries, casino games, sports betting, and even some video games.
It can also occur in other places besides casinos, such as gas stations and church halls. Moreover, gambling can be conducted with materials that are not money — such as marbles, game pieces in Pogs or Magic: The Gathering, and trading cards in collectible card games.
Despite its negative effects, when gambled responsibly, gambling can have many inherent benefits. These can include socializing, mental development and skill improvement. However, the positive effects of gambling become diluted when someone becomes addicted to it.
If you or a loved one is struggling with a gambling problem, it’s important to understand how and why they gamble. This can help you figure out how to support them. You can also learn about the effective treatments available.
If you know someone who has a problem with gambling, encourage them to seek professional help. There are many options for treatment, from family therapy and marriage counseling to career and credit counseling. You can also ask them to join a support group for problem gamblers, such as Gamblers Anonymous, which is modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous. They can find a sponsor, a former gambler who has successfully quit gambling, for guidance and encouragement. Lastly, you can encourage them to strengthen their support network by finding other ways to spend time with friends and family.